The Team

Asheesh Malaney

Born and raised in India, Asheesh founded Natural Mystic South Asia over 20 years ago after spending 7 years in the USA.

Prior to Natural Mystic he spent 4 years as an undergraduate at the Wharton School of Business and thereafter 2 successful years in New York with Gemini Consulting, one of the top Management Consulting firms in the world. While at Gemini his assignments took him all over the U.S., Canada, Finland and India and his love for travelling has also taken him through almost 50 countries across Europe, North America and Asia.

The early years of Natural Mystic saw him diving in untouched coral islands off southwest India, exploring the Rajasthani countryside and villages on horseback, trekking around the Himalayas and visiting the most beautiful regions of South Asia. Thus inspired, he went on to set up and manage all Natural Mystic’s operations. With an MBA from INSEAD, he continues to manage the business affairs and his zest for travel is still very much alive.

Nikhilendra Singh

Nikhilendra is the co-founder or Natural Mystic and heads up the operations. A native of Jodhpur, Nikhilendra makes for the perfect trip creator with his amiable style, rich travel experience and knowledge of South Asia. He also the creative brain and owner of the world renowned Raas Hotels giving him a fantastic 360-degree view of how to create the perfect trip or event.

Since riding with Asheesh whilst at boarding school and playing squash for India, Nikhilendra went on to pursue a life with horses before diving into the travel world. His polo endeavors took him to England, Kenya, France, Brazil and Mongolia and that has given him a great global perspective on how to create and manage incredible travel / event experiences.